All content submitted to the Wiki and the forum will be put under a Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-SA license. In addition, content is also subject to additional terms.
Nexthority is currently looking for a wiki janitor to oversee new articles, delegate permissions, and structure out new sections. If you feel like this role would be well suited for you, please inform @Redmaus or @HG on the Nexthority Discord:
Want to browse the wiki in a file tree mode? Press the "Browse" button in the top left corner.
This is the home page for the Nexthority wiki! Please hold tight, the wiki is currently under construction.
Thank you for your patience!
This knowledge base is currently in BETA. This means that the information documented will be preserved, but may be restructured to meet formatting or usability requirements in the future. The hierarchy and navigation structure will also be subject to change as well.
This is meant to allow for a period of time where users have the freedom to pursue different ideas and styles for documenting. Later all of these ideas and styles will be examined and the ideal configuration will be adopted as the standard when Nexthority knowledge-base is out of beta.
The Wiki can be easily navigated by either searching, or using the sidebar.
If you would like to contribute to our Wiki, please be sure to read the style guide and use the templates when creating pages. This allows pages to remain consistant and easy to read. Please keep all content factual. Please do not include opinions within articles, unless it is a shared opinion within the community (and even then, make sure it is explicitly obvious it is a community opinion, and phrase it as such. Example: "The switch has a reputation for feeling scratchy." Not "this switch sucks and feels horrible").